10 Tips for Writing Killer Email Subject Lines (With Examples!)

Take your email marketing to the next level with our guide to creating the best subject lines. Discover insider secrets and tips for making a big impact.
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February 20, 2023

Email marketing is a powerful tool for reaching out to potential customers and building relationships with existing ones. However, with hundreds of emails being sent every day, it can be difficult to get your message to stand out in the inbox. This is where a good subject line comes into play.

A subject line is the first thing a recipient sees when they receive an email, and it can greatly impact the success of your email marketing campaign. A compelling subject line can entice the recipient to open the email and engage with its content. On the other hand, a weak subject line can result in your email being overlooked or even marked as spam.

Here are some key benefits of having a good email subject line:

  1. Increases open rates: A subject line that piques the recipient's curiosity or offers them value is more likely to get the email opened.
  2. Decreases spam complaints: A clear, concise, and relevant subject line reduces the likelihood of the email being marked as spam.
  3. Builds trust: A well-crafted subject line establishes trust with the recipient and helps establish a relationship with them.
  4. Increases click-through rates: If the subject line accurately reflects the content of the email, it can increase the likelihood of the recipient clicking through to the website or other desired action.
  5. Improves deliverability: A subject line that is too long or contains spam trigger words can result in the email being filtered into the recipient's spam folder.

In conclusion, a good email subject line is crucial for the success of your email marketing campaign. By keeping it short, relevant, and attention-grabbing, you can increase open rates, build trust with your audience, and ultimately drive more conversions.

10 tips for creating a killer email subject line

  1. Keep it short: When crafting a subject line for an email, it is important to keep it short and to the point. This not only ensures that the recipient can see the entire subject line in their inbox, but it also makes it easier for them to quickly understand what the email is about. By aiming for 50 characters or less, you are able to communicate the purpose of the email in a clear and concise manner.
  2. Be specific: To increase the chances of your email being opened, it is important to be specific about what the recipient can expect from it. By clearly conveying the purpose of the email, you are able to give the recipient a clear idea of what they are going to read, making it more likely that they will open it. This could include mentioning the topic of the email, the main content, or what action you want the recipient to take after reading.
  3. Personalize: Personalizing an email can greatly increase the chances of it being opened. By addressing the recipient by name or using personalization tokens, you are able to make the email feel more personal, making it more likely that the recipient will be interested in what you have to say. This can be a simple step, but it can have a significant impact on the success of your email.
  4. Create urgency: Encouraging the recipient to open the email now by using words like "limited time offer" or "time-sensitive" can help to create a sense of urgency. This can help to drive the recipient to take action quickly and open the email, as they are more likely to feel that there is something in it for them. This sense of urgency can be a powerful tool to drive open rates and increase the chances of your email being seen.
  5. Ask a question: Asking a question in the subject line can pique the recipient's curiosity and encourage them to open the email. By asking a question they want to know the answer to, you are able to make the recipient more curious and interested in what you have to say. This can be a great way to increase open rates, as the recipient is more likely to be engaged and interested in the content of the email.
  6. Offer value: Highlighting the value the recipient will receive from the email is a great way to increase the chances of it being opened. By offering value, you are able to show the recipient what's in it for them, and why they should be interested in the content of the email. This could include mentioning a special offer, a solution to a problem, or access to exclusive information.
  7. Test different subject lines: Testing different subject lines can help to determine which subject lines perform best and make adjustments accordingly. By using A/B testing, you are able to compare different subject lines and see which ones drive the highest open rates. This can help you to continually improve the subject lines you use and ensure that they are optimized for success.
  8. Avoid spam words: To avoid having your email caught by spam filters, it is important to be careful not to use words that trigger spam filters, such as "earn money fast." By avoiding these words, you are able to ensure that your email reaches the recipient's inbox, increasing the chances that they will open and read it.
  9. Keep it relevant: Keeping the subject line relevant to the recipient and their interests is key to increasing the chances of the email being opened. By making sure the subject line is relevant, you are able to grab the recipient's attention and show them why they should be interested in what you have to say. This can be done by using personalization tokens or by researching the recipient's interests and tailoring the subject line to them.
  10. Use a call-to-action: Encouraging the recipient to take a specific action by using a call-to-action in the subject line can be an effective way to drive engagement and increase open rates. A call-to-action can be a simple phrase or sentence that encourages the recipient to take a specific action, such as "Sign up now" or "Learn more today." By using a call-to-action, you are able to increase the chances of the recipient taking action and opening the email, as they are more likely to feel that there is something in it for them. This can be a powerful tool to drive engagement and ensure that your email is seen and read by the recipient.

What to avoid..

When writing email subject lines, it is important to avoid certain practices that can negatively impact the effectiveness of your email. Here are some examples of what not to do:

Being too vague: Avoid subject lines that are too generic and do not clearly convey the content of the email. Examples include "Important" or "Meeting Request". These subject lines do not grab the recipient's attention and may lead to confusion about the email's purpose.

Using all caps: Writing subject lines in all capital letters is considered shouting and can be off-putting to the recipient. It can also be interpreted as unprofessional and can cause the recipient to ignore or delete the email.

Being overly lengthy: Long subject lines can be truncated by email clients, which can cause important information to be lost. This can result in the recipient missing important details about the email. Aim for subject lines that are concise and to the point.

Using misleading information: It's important to accurately represent the content of the email in the subject line. Misleading information can cause confusion or frustration for the recipient, leading to a negative perception of the email.

Being unprofessional: Avoid using slang, emoticons, or informal language in the subject line of a professional email. This can detract from the credibility of the email and the sender.

Using too many exclamation points: Using excessive punctuation can make the subject line appear spammy or unprofessional. This can reduce the effectiveness of the email and lead the recipient to ignore or delete it.

Ignoring branding guidelines: If you are writing an email for a company, it is important to follow the company's branding guidelines for the subject line. This helps to maintain a consistent brand image and can enhance the effectiveness of the email.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can improve the chances of your emails being read and acted upon.

How to write the perfect email subject line

Step 1: Understanding the Email's Purpose

Before drafting your subject line, take a moment to reflect on the purpose of your email. What message are you trying to convey and what is your desired outcome? Understanding the core objective of your email will guide you in creating a subject line that accurately reflects the content of your message.

Step 2: Identifying the Call to Action

Think about what will entice your recipients to open the email. Is it a special offer, new information, or a time-sensitive matter? Make sure your subject line includes a clear and compelling call to action that will motivate your recipients to take action.

Step 3: Brainstorming Multiple Options

Draft a few different subject line options that vary in tone and wording. This will give you a range of options to choose from and ensure that you find the best fit for your email's purpose.

Step 4: Seeking Feedback

Get input from others to gain a fresh perspective on your subject lines. Colleagues, friends, or professional marketers can provide valuable insights on which subject lines are most compelling.

Step 5: Testing for Success

Finally, conduct an A/B test to determine the most effective subject line. By comparing two subject lines, you'll be able to determine which one resonates better with your audience and use it in your future email campaigns.

By following these five steps, you'll be able to write effective and engaging email subject lines that will grab your recipients' attention and drive them to take action.

15 Killer email subject line ideas

Boost your email engagement with these creative subject line examples.

The Engaging Question

Make a personal connection with your audience by posing a question in your subject line. Here are some captivating ways to ask:

Intriguing Queries:

1. "Is the Perfect Gift for Your [Spouse] Within Reach?"

2. "Struggling to Find the Perfect Present for [Mom/Dad]?"

3. "Unveiling Our Holiday [Offers/Collection/Gift Ideas]"

By asking a question that piques your audience's interest, you'll tempt them to read on and find out more.

The Direct Command

Questions are not the only way to capture your reader's attention. At times, being straightforward is the best approach. Consider these examples:

4. "Don't Miss Out! Save % [Percent Off] this Week at [Your Business]"

5. "Secure Your Spot for [Event Name]"

6. "Discover What We Have in Store for [Month/Holiday/Shopping Day]"

While it's important not to be too aggressive in your subject line, being direct can show your audience that you value their time and respect their preferences.

The Bold Announcement

When your goal is to announce something new, keep it simple with a straightforward subject line. Here are some examples:

7. "We're Staying Open Late! New Hours for the Holidays"

8. "Join Us for [Shopping Day] Celebrations at [Your Business]"

9. "Don't Miss Out on Our December [Specials/Offers/Events]"

Make your email announcements count by reserving them for significant news and updates that truly matter to your audience. Avoid overwhelming your subscribers with too many minor updates, and focus on delivering information that they will find valuable and relevant.

The Convenient List

Lists simplify the information you're sending and make it easier for people to digest. Here are some examples:

10. "[#] Gift Ideas Under $[Amount]"

11. "5 Reasons to Attend [Event Name]"

12. "10 Time-Saving Holiday Tips from [Your Business]"

When crafting your list, keep it concise and avoid overloading your email with too much content. Instead, consider linking out to other relevant online assets.

The Tempting Teaser

Cliffhangers are a surefire way to grab your audience's attention. Here are some enticing teaser examples:

13. "3 Surprising Gift Ideas for Your [Sibling/Uncle/Cousin]"

14."Unlock the Secrets to Stress-Free Holiday Shopping at [Your Business]"

15. "Discover How to [Do Something] This Holiday Season"

Tailor your subject line to your audience's interests and challenges this holiday season to create a subject line that tempts them to read on.

Final words of wisdom

By taking the time to evaluate your own inbox and the emails you have been opening, you can gain a better understanding of how to craft effective subject lines that get the attention they deserve. Through this process, you will be able to put yourself in the shoes of your contacts and create an email subject line that will help grow your business.

With these tips in mind, you can now confidently write email subject lines that are both engaging and informative, thus increasing the chances of your emails being opened.

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