30 Effective Employee Engagement Survey Questions

Craft effective employee engagement survey questions using our 30 sample questions. Learn how to maximize the value of your surveys, improve employee satisfaction and identify areas for improvement. Follow our best practices to create a productive working environment for all.
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March 10, 2023

Employee engagement surveys are crucial for businesses to improve employee satisfaction levels and identify areas for improvement. However, effective survey questions are essential to avoid causing undue stress or discomfort among employees.

To create effective survey questions, organizations should ask open-ended, concise questions that are easy to understand and tailored towards specific areas such as company culture, management style, workload distribution, and opportunities for growth within the organization.

By following these guidelines when crafting employee engagement survey questions, companies can gather valuable feedback from their workforce which leads to increased productivity levels and lower turnover rates. Ultimately, this feedback can be used to create a more productive working environment for all parties involved.

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What is employee engagement surveys and why should you perform them?

Employee engagement survey questions are a valuable tool for organizations to measure employee engagement levels. The goal is to determine their connection to the organization, purpose, and determination. The results can help identify areas for development and improve overall employee experience.

By obtaining feedback from across the workforce, companies can identify specific issues and compare responses over time through pulse surveys and questionnaires. This enables problems identification before they affect business operations.

Conducting employee engagement surveys also demonstrates an organization's interest in its employees' well-being by simply asking questions which leads to more positive behaviors improving employee engagement levels.

In conclusion, creating effective employee engagement survey questions is crucial for gathering valuable insights into employee satisfaction levels within an organization leading to increased productivity levels and lower turnover rates within the workforce ultimately resulting in better business performance.

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How to Design and Conduct Effective Employee Engagement Surveys

Employee engagement surveys are a critical tool for organizations to measure and improve employee satisfaction, motivation, and morale. To get the most out of these surveys, it's important to follow some best practices.

Firstly, it's essential to design the survey questions correctly. Survey questions should be simple, direct, and aligned with the organization's engagement objectives. It's crucial to identify the areas of employee engagement that are of particular concern and the metrics that are important for the organization. Ideally, the same questions should be asked over a period of time to track progress on specific key performance indicators (KPIs).

Including open-ended questions in the survey is also crucial as it allows employees to express their concerns and feedback. Pulse surveys should be conducted on a regular basis, in addition to annual surveys, to keep track of the workforce's engagement level and address any issues immediately.

When designing the survey, at least 20% of the questions should be open-ended. This approach showcases an open mind and enables employees to express their happiness or concerns openly. Additionally, organizations can ask a single employee engagement question every week to keep tabs on the workforce's mood and morale.

The survey questions should be empathetic in approach, keeping employee perception and sensitivities in mind. While not being suggestive, the survey should strike an emotional chord that resonates with the employees, which boosts their morale and motivation.

Lastly, the surveys should be administered anonymously to ensure employees can provide direct and honest feedback without fear of reprisals. Employees should be provided with a quiet and private location to submit their survey responses. The survey's expected completion time should also be communicated to employees to avoid them being less forthcoming during work hours.

By following these best practices, organizations can design and conduct effective employee engagement surveys that provide valuable insights into employee satisfaction and engagement levels, which can help improve workplace culture and increase productivity.

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Next Steps: Taking Action after an Employee Engagement Survey

After conducting an employee engagement survey, the work is far from over. The results need to be analyzed and acted upon to demonstrate that the organization is listening and cares about its employees. However, acknowledging and addressing the feedback can be a challenging task.

Responding to feedback is crucial, even if the results reveal uncomfortable truths. For instance, if employees report a lack of career growth opportunities, managers can identify and promote training and career development programs. This will help employees grow and increase the organization's chances of retaining top talent. Similarly, implementing a recognition program can address concerns about feeling unappreciated.

Sharing survey results with the company at large is essential, but anonymity should be preserved. Presenting the results in a company meeting or a shared report can invite additional questions and feedback, and completing the feedback loop reinforces the importance of honest results and measuring progress.

Timely and meaningful follow-up ensures that employees feel heard and valued after completing the survey. Neglecting to act on their feedback can cause dissatisfaction and frustration among employees, and ultimately, lead to higher turnover rates. Therefore, analyzing and acting on employee feedback is crucial to improving engagement and retention rates.

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30 Examples of Effective Employee Engagement Survey Questions

Creating a successful employee engagement survey involves asking the right questions. The questions should cover essential components of engagement such as employee satisfaction, alignment, and future goals. To develop a questionnaire that suits your organization's requirements, you must incorporate questions in each of these areas and know how to implement them in your surveys.

Satisfaction Questions

Determining how satisfied your employees are with their job and the company they work for can be difficult. Below are some questions that explore how your employees feel about your organization and their level of satisfaction with their job:

  1. How do you feel about work today?
    This question focuses on each employee’s attitude, with a focus on the present moment, and opens the door to a broader conversation.
  2. Would you recommend [organization] to your friends as an employer?
    This question is a revealing measure of how your organization is doing overall and the employee’s feelings about the company.
  3. Do you feel excited about coming to work?
    This question is designed to elicit strong responses as well as non-responses and provides an opportunity to explore what would make employees more excited about coming to work.
  4. Are you proud of working for [organization]?
    This question centers on employee accomplishments as well as the employee’s role in the organization and helps identify proud employees who represent your brand.
  5. Are you satisfied with your current compensation and benefits?
    This question helps you learn which benefits are meaningful to your employees and which they would consider valuable if offered.
  6. Do you enjoy working with your team?
    Happy team members feel valued and communicate that deep satisfaction to colleagues.

Alignment Questions

Questions about employee alignment are crucial to understand the level of engagement and commitment employees have towards an organization. Here are some unique questions that can be included in an employee engagement survey:

  1. Do you find your work for [organization] meaningful?
    Employees who find their work meaningful are more productive, happier, and committed to the organization. This question aims to gauge how aligned employees are with the organization's goals and values.
  2. Does [organization]’s vision and values inspire you?
    This question assesses whether employees feel connected to the organization's mission and values. It helps organizations understand if employees see themselves as active participants and ambassadors of the organization's values.
  3. Do others provide you with recognition for your accomplishments at work?
    Recognition is a crucial driver of employee engagement. This question aims to assess whether employees feel appreciated and recognized for their contributions to the organization.
  4. Do you feel like your supervisor is invested in your success?
    This question helps organizations understand the effectiveness of their managers in supporting their team's engagement. It assesses whether managers are interested in their employees' career goals and work.
  5. Does [organization]’s culture foster a comfortable, supportive work environment?
    This question aims to assess whether the organization's culture is inclusive and supportive. It helps organizations understand whether their culture aligns with their employees' goals and values.
  6. Is leadership invested in and contributing to your culture initiatives?
    This question assesses whether leadership is committed to improving the organization's culture. It helps organizations understand whether their leaders champion and reinforce cultural values and whether they communicate openly with employees about cultural issues.

Communication and Resources Questions

To ensure your employees have what they need to succeed, use these employee engagement survey questions to assess their level of satisfaction with their job support and resources. Additionally, find out how happy they are with the company’s reward and recognition initiatives, whether their work-life balance is satisfactory, and how likely they would recommend the company as a great workplace.

  1. How satisfied are you with your manager's communication style?
    This question assesses employees' satisfaction with how their direct manager communicates with them, which can impact their overall relationship and level of engagement with their job and the organization.
  2. Are you satisfied with your manager's goal-setting and planning?
    This question assesses employees' satisfaction with how their direct manager sets goals and plans for achieving them, which can impact their overall motivation and engagement with their job and the organization.
  3. How often do you receive feedback on your performance from your manager?
    This question assesses how frequently employees receive feedback on their performance from their direct manager, which can impact their ability to improve and develop in their role.
  4. How likely are you to recommend your manager as an effective leader to others?
    This question assesses employees' likelihood of recommending their direct manager as an effective leader to others, which can indicate their overall level of satisfaction and engagement with their manager and the organization.

Manager Effectiveness Questions

It's crucial to have effective managers who support and guide their team members to achieve their goals. Use these survey questions to assess an employee’s level of satisfaction with their direct manager. Discover how they perceive their manager’s leadership, communication, support, feedback, delegating, and general management style.

  1. How satisfied are you with the communication style of your manager?
    This question evaluates the satisfaction level of employees with their manager's communication style. It helps the business understand if the communication style is effective and if any changes are necessary.
  2. Are your manager’s goal-setting and planning satisfactory?
    This question aims to evaluate the satisfaction level of employees with their manager's goal-setting and planning skills. It can help the business identify areas where managers may need additional training to improve their skills.
  3. How often do you receive performance comments from your management?
    This question helps businesses understand how often employees receive feedback on their performance from their manager. It can help identify if the frequency of feedback is adequate and if employees are receiving enough support to meet their goals.
  4. How likely are you to recommend your manager as an effective leader to others?
    This question helps businesses assess the effectiveness of their managers as leaders. It can help identify areas where managers may need to improve their leadership skills to increase employee engagement and retention.

Future orientation questions

As an employer, it's important to gauge your employees' commitment to the organization and their career goals. The following questions can help you identify areas where your organization needs improvement to retain talented employees.

  1. Will you be working with us a year from now?
    This question can help you gauge your employees' commitment and loyalty to your organization. Including a text field for optional comments can also allow employees to express their reasons for considering leaving.
  2. Does your work challenge you and aid your development?
    Employee engagement studies have shown that career advancement is one of the top reasons for job-hopping. However, creating artificial challenges can lead to frustration and a lack of support. This question helps you identify if employees are feeling challenged in a meaningful way.
  3. Do you see opportunities for career advancement in our organization?
    Knowing whether your employees see opportunities for growth and development within your company can help you address any issues with career progression and promote employee retention.
  4. Are you provided with the tools to maximize your potential at work?
    Asking employees if they have the resources they need to perform at their best can help identify areas where they need additional support. Consider adding an optional text field for employees to provide specific feedback.
  5. Have you recently considered leaving our organization?
    Encouraging honest feedback is vital to uncovering systemic issues before they negatively impact employee morale and productivity. An anonymous survey or offering ambiguous answer choices can help employees feel more comfortable sharing their thoughts.
  6. Has anyone at our organization expressed support for your career goals?
    Asking this question helps you understand if your company's leadership is proactively engaging with employees about their career aspirations. Scheduling regular check-ins with managers or HR can provide employees with opportunities to discuss their career goals.

Open-ended questions

Open-ended questions allow employees to express their thoughts and ideas in their own words, providing valuable feedback to improve organizational culture and engagement.

  1. What changes do we need to make?
    This question encourages employees to share their opinions and ideas about what needs to change in your organization. Actively listening and implementing their suggestions can help promote employee engagement.
  2. Are there any issues with our company culture?
    Asking employees to identify any areas of discomfort or misalignment with your corporate culture can help you address cultural issues and improve employee satisfaction.
  3. How can we improve your engagement at work?
    Asking employees for direct input on what you can do to better engage them can help you tailor your retention strategies to meet their needs.
  4. Is there anything else you'd like to share about your experience at our organization?
    This final question provides an opportunity for employees to express any concerns or suggestions that may not have been addressed by previous questions. Keeping an open door policy and actively listening to employee feedback can help improve your organization's culture and overall success.

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BONUS! 10 tips for increasing employee engagement

Tip 1: Create space for creativity

This can be achieved by ensuring a work environment where the team can develop freely and independently. Accepting mistakes and learning processes is part of this. Leaders can also promote creativity and innovation by assembling international teams and implementing diversity as a fundamental principle for recruitment. This creates an ideal breeding ground for new and innovative ideas that in turn stimulate employee engagement.

Tip 2: Variation in work tasks

Monotonous tasks can lead to unmotivated, frustrated, and sick employees. To avoid this, make sure that employees' positions match their qualifications and that work areas have sufficient variation. Also, consider how the tasks affect the company's goals and give employees different choices and concrete feedback on their tasks. This will help keep employees engaged and motivated.

Tip 3: Establish a culture of open discussions

To increase employee engagement, it is important to establish a culture of open discussions in the company. Show interest in your employees, ask questions, and take their answers seriously. Use their knowledge and expertise to actively address suggestions for improvement. Feedback is also important, and you should pass it on to those responsible for decisions and communicate how you handle it. By establishing an open communication culture, you can help create an environment characterized by engagement and collaboration.

Tip 4: Find a balance between work and private life

Employees have a life outside of work, and it is important to find a balance between work and private life. This includes giving employees flexibility to manage household tasks and spend time with their family. Good employers understand the importance of offering such opportunities, as it increases employee satisfaction and contributes to a healthy work culture.

Tip 5: Build a strong reputation

A well-known brand, high-quality products, innovation, and an excellent employee experience contribute to a good reputation. This increases employee engagement and satisfaction. Communicating strengths through PR measures, both internally and externally, is important.

Tip 6: Promote collegiality for better teamwork

Teamwork is important for mastering demanding tasks and for increasing employee engagement. It is important for leaders to promote collegiality among employees by creating opportunities for informal exchanges of views, such as through company parties, outings, or company sports.

Tip 7: Build a positive work environment with constructive leadership

A positive work environment is crucial for well-being and productivity at work. Therefore, leaders should actively work to establish a healthy environment through constructive leadership and open communication. By promoting gratitude, trust, and constructive addressing of mistakes, conflicts can be moderated and solutions found together as colleagues. As a good role model, you can encourage your employees to work together as a team and create a positive atmosphere in the workplace.

Tip 8: Create a workplace with comfort and well-being

Employee health and well-being are important to ensure productivity and satisfaction. An ergonomic workplace with good lighting and ventilation is crucial to protect health and increase comfort. Reduction of noise is also important as employees spend many hours in the workplace. The interior of work and break rooms should also be appealing, from the choice of office furniture to decoration with art and plants. Creating a workplace that promotes well-being and comfort can contribute to employee engagement and satisfaction.

Tip 9: Modern Diversity Management

Diversity management is about adapting to the needs of all employees regardless of gender, ethnicity, social background, disability, or health status. Modern diversity management is intersectionality, which aims to create an inclusive and fair working environment where all employees have equal opportunities for career advancement and equal pay for equal work. A diverse workforce can provide valuable perspectives and potential for the company, so it is important for leaders to recognize and promote diversity in the workplace.

Tip 10: Promoting Employee Engagement through Further Education and Professional Development

Employees have a strong interest in updating their skills, which can benefit both them and the organization. Supporting lifelong learning through internal training opportunities, external training initiatives, participation in seminars and conferences, can contribute to increasing employee engagement and professional development. It is important to integrate further training opportunities into long-term career planning, including evaluating current skills and identifying direction for medium and long-term career development, as well as identifying necessary measures to achieve these goals.

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In conclusion, regularly soliciting feedback from employees through thoughtful and meaningful questions can be an effective tool for promoting engagement and retention in the workplace. By actively listening and responding to employee feedback, organizations can identify and address issues before they negatively impact employee morale and productivity. Additionally, creating a culture of open communication and feedback can help foster a sense of belonging and ownership among employees, ultimately leading to a more successful and satisfied workforce.

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